If you are an instructor or teacher looking to save your students money, consider listing your school kit on our site.
Please email us: sales@draftingsuppliesdew.com or click to Request a Kit Price

For a list of pre-built kits please see our Drafting Kits page.

School Name Course Number Instructor Course Details
Aeronautics Repair Drafting Supply -- Multiple --
Air Conditioning Trade Association -- D. Diltz --
Arapahoe Community College G. McKenna Interior Design
AZ Pipe Trades ISO-Tech N/A Apprenticeship
CT State Community College HORT 2002 C. Tuccio & R. Rosiello Landscape Design 1
East Tennessee State University INTD1115 D. Isham Arch Drafting: Studio I
East Tennessee State University INTD1215 D. Isham Visual Commun: Studio II
Ferris State University ETEC 140 D. Reader Engineering Graphics Comprehensive
Florida State University IND 1203/1204 Sickler Interior Design Fundamentals
Fox Valley Technical College
Georgia Sheet Metal JATC Local 85
Georgia Southern University INDS2435 S. Goel Design Studio I
Gwinnett Techinical College HORT 1060 L. Bevan Landscape Design
Lewis-Clark State College ENGTE 106 J. Moore Drafting Fundamentals
Liberty University FACS 530 Interior Design
Local 598 JATC -- Multiple
Mesa Community College AGL189 C.L. Heaps Landscape Design I
Milwaukee Area Technical College INDSGN102 M. Walgren Basic Architectural Drawing
Milwaukee Area Technical College ARCHT-101 / CIVIL-101 / MCDESG-102 D. Inyang / E. Nadi / M. Huntoon
Missouri State University IDC140 E. Pathak Fundamentals of Interior Design
Onondaga Community College ARH/IND 110 T. Godiers
Palm Beach State College IND1233C/IND1401C N. Albert Interior Design
Pratt Institute W. McLoughlin Interior Design
San Diego Mesa College ARCH 100 / ARCH 141 T. Schalge Graphic Design Communication
South Dakota State LA132 E. Tofte
San Diego Regional Training Center -- Godfrey, Popp California POST Advance Traffic Investigation
San Diego Regional Training Center -- Godfrey, Popp California POST Traffic Collision Reconstruction
Sowela Technical Community College -- A. Goodman Drafting and Design Technology Course
Tuskegee University FA2023 -- Architecture
UNC Charlotte -- T. Forget Incoming SoA Student Supply Kit
United Association Local Training Centers -- --
Valdosta State University ARID 2112 / ARID 2310 T. Crane, S. Nawrocki Interior Design Studio II / Drawing for Interior Design
Waubonsee Community College R. Hines
Yestermorrow CBSNZD --